A year ago today was the big day where our lives changed so much - and what a wonderful change at that! You continue to change each day doing new things and new explorations. Walking is now your main mode of travel. You can follow Mommy and Daddy pretty much around anywhere although you are now enjoying exploring things for yourself. Sometimes you are so anxious to walk that you lift your legs up when we are holding you and try to push yourself away to get down and stroll around. You love to watch the Baby Einstein production "On the Farm" as Old McDonald seems to be your favorite song. You dance now when music is on by bending your legs and moving back and forth. I have not determined your level of rhythm but hopefully you take after your Daddy and not your Mommy on that score.
You are still a wonderful sleeper and eater. You have only woken up one time in the middle of the night since about 8 weeks old. That night you were running a fever so we knew there had to be a reason. There is nothing that you will not eat. You take after your Mommy in that you LOVE cheese! That is your favorite when get a little piece.
There are no real words yet. You talk a mile a minute saying everything from dadada to mamama but we don't think that you are associating the words with us yet. You love your books and could turn the pages over and over again.
We wish all the happiness to you! Happy birthday! We LOVE you!
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