Some of your new little achievements this month. Your new favorite activity is to turn the bath water on and off. We may see a slight rise in the water bill from this new activity. You LOVE your baths so much that you may be telling us you are ready for another one.
Eating has become quite comical. You are now eating big girl food including cheese, peas, strawberries, turkey and many other new little items. You love to blow bubbles with your food as you are being fed. You still love your puffs that you snack on. The dogs love you more and more as you seem to throw more and more treats on the floor for them to eat. We are working on the sippy cup still. You for sure still prefer your bottle though.
You now go to the gym with Mommy a few days a week and go to the little school there. You are not sure about playing with the other little children yet and prefer to be held the whole time. Mommy laughs when she drops you off and you are in the girl's arm and when I pick you up you are in the girl's arm still just taking it all in.
You're are on the verge of walking. You are cruising beautifully while holding onto things. You can pull up on anything including our legs. It is only a matter of time before you are walking on your own.
As for talking, you are still babbling away. Daddy wins the race as you continue to babble dadadadada and many other sounds... we think that it is still all indiscriminate though. You are not quite yet knowing what you are saying. You are working on waving and have waived several times to us.
To such a happy and healthy baby! We love you!
hmmm... what's for dinner?
1 comment:
Oh man...Juliette is getting OLD!!! I love the fact she can turn on the bathtub water-she is too funny. Hope to see you guys soon. Ellison went to the gym for the first time today...she & Thomas BOTH screamed for the first 15 minutes and then they were fine :)
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