Monday, August 4, 2008

No News... and the wait continues

I just wanted to let everyone know that I did have a Doctors appointment and there was not too much news to report. I am still about 1 1/2 cm dilated and 80% effaced. Little Juliette seems to be quite comfortable right inside and in no hurry to come out into the world.

We are all ready to go. The bags have been packed since last week and now we are just in the waiting mode. Juliette's room is all set and decorated as well. We just need little baby Juliette at this point. We will keep everyone posted over the next few days.


Chris Brown said...

oh man. I'm sorry to hear you haven't progressed much more! You better come over and use my workout ball :) Hang in there.

The Tylers said...

Oh no! I know you aren't feeling great but try to enjoy these last few days. Waiting is the hardest part...especially when you feel too big to do anything except complain :) I am soooooo glad Ellison is here and that I am no longer pregnant! Don't worry, your time will be here soon. Hugs to you all!

The Tylers said...

Okay Danette, I know you had a baby and everything but you better change your ticker before it reads Danette is 61 and 3 days pregnant :) Hope you are well. Hugs to you!