We went with our good friends to the fair yesterday. We got there to beat traffic around 4:00 and the girls were still riding rides at 9:45 - that is not a lie! Juliette looked like she was about to fall over on the last ride, the teacups. This was the first time that she was really able to enjoy and get on rides. She LOVED it! I can tell now that she will be one of those little ones that loves to ride rides all day. Neither Don nor I can stand rides without gettting totally nauseous.
Note, I found the brightest clothes possible so I could spot Juliette at ALL times! Also check out the tat on Don's neck... he got a real wild hair last week (JK, it is from his Halloween costume that he wore last night. I told him I liked the look!

Look at what a big girl... she made the height minimum just by a hair

She could not get enough of the animals, just as she got off the elephant she said, JuJu ride the camel now

She was zonked out in my arms walking to the car, needless to say there was no talking on the way home from baby