Monday, June 15, 2015

Swim meet with best friends

The memories flowed for me and brought me right back to Ashborough once again! Juliette and I had the very special treat of spending the evening at the meet together with Tiffany and Grace. Tiffany and I spent years and years together swimming in the neighborhood. Our very first official meet together and our girls are now swimming each other. It was so special and the girls are always so happy to see each other!

And she received her first ribbon! She was so excited and so proud of her accomplishment.

And then there was the spectator wondering what in the world is so special watching this... he was more concerned over who was going to splash him as the swimmers swam by...
In good Tripp style he was much more concerned about what he was going to eat rather than watching his Sister...

Reunions feel SO good! In the good ol' footlose and fancy free days we were Ashborough Alligators - now we live as a Daniel Island Flying Fish and a Dunes West Dolphin.

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