Wednesday, June 3, 2015

Please meet "Freaky Whiny Climbing Boy"

We had a minor incident two weeks ago when Tripp cracked the window opener, opened the window and in one second began to sit halfway out the window. Now, yes there was roof under the window but I knew I had to put the fear of God in this boy at that time! He had just eaten a lunchable and there was a boy on the back that he did not like the looks of him. After some fast thinking I grabbed the lunchable box and introduced him to "Whiny Freaky Climbing Boy" as he named him. I let him know that because the nice boy began to climb, he turned into this scary boy! 

Tripp was very nervous and assured he by pointing his finger, "You should not climb whiny freaky boy because dats why you have dose horns…"

So this has become a joke around the house! You can coerce him into anything by mentioning this poor boy. Tessa keeps an empty lunchable on her counter and reminds him when there is naughtiness flying around the house.

There is one boy Tripp does not want to become and 
it is poor "Whiny Freaky Climbing Boy"…

He tells me each day, "Mommy you can't climb or you will be like Whiny Freaky Climbing Boy…"

Me you ask, I kinda like Whiny Freaky Climbing Boy, I'll keep his as a friend just as long as we need very quick reminders of what never to do!

This is the brave boy look holding the box as long as Whiny Freaky Climbing Boy is not facing him...

Here is the oh wait I don't like this scary boy look! 
Mommy, please take him!

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