Saturday, March 28, 2015

Some days...

Tripp and I went to pick Juliette up from ballet like just another Tuesday. Tripp decided that he wanted to wear just one of his Sister's socks. In typical fashion I am thinking no worries, he has boots on so no one will notice. Juliette comes racing out of class and we are all asked to come in and watch the work in process of their recital. That means all shoes must be taken off…

Yup… here we are with all of the other children and parents…. He couldn't have been any happier showing off "Jew-iette's pink skeleto sock" (skeleto is Spanish for skeleton)

I was SO excited to watch her class perform and practice…. matter of fact I was shocked. As I watched her, I realized her growth even shows in ballet. She is quickly losing the baby and becoming a young girl…

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