Monday, March 9, 2015

Oh what to do first on gorgeous weekends!

The weekend was gorgeous!! We got out all weekend and enjoyed. Juliette and Tripp decided that they wanted to have car races in the drive. You can imagination the competition - Tripp had to win and Juliette had to win… both claimed they each won.

She still loves her antique Ford… just like her Mama she hates shoes!She would run barefooted anywhere and everywhere.

So the race was on….

Tripp was not satisfied and was sure that his motorcycle could go faster than his Daddy pushing him!

I was not to be left out of the fun with one baby with me and the other asleep. 

Gypsy even had some good ball throwing...

Turn your head for a skinny minute and this is what you find...

Hence why he has to be watched! "Look Mommy I drive Ul'Nanny's boat with da wheel! I take it to Atlanta…"

Thomas and Juliette - this is the one who resembles Juliette so much!

As the days go by and the twins get older Juliette tends to them more and more. She would like to now hold them and feed them. Last night I walked in to her singing to Tyler. It was the sweetest thing ever!

And if Buckwheat can't be at the house with her… she now takes her Easter bunny basket and her two bunnies everywhere with her… wherever she falls asleep they are there! 

Yesterday afternoon we made time for a picnic… perfect weather and a perfect day to relax!

We found some good friends at the Juvenile Diabetes walk! What a super weekend!

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