Sunday, February 12, 2012

A visit with the Keeley's

We had such a fun visit this past weekend with our friends the Keeley's who came in town for the weekend. They have a French exchange student, Liza for a few months and wanted to show her Charleston.

That Friday afternoon I had an OB appointment and I was 2 cm dilated and 70% effaced. I was sure by the end of the weekend being in the presence of another OB all weekend (Mike Keeley is one) that he would be all the luck that I needed to have this baby. Obviously, that did not happen as I am still here writing blog posts.

Juliette was very busy before they arrived helping to roll out some dough for pizza's for the company. As everyone knows - Juliette LOVES older girls. She was in Heaven all weekend with Ellen and Liza. They included her in everything and played any game that she wanted them to play.

Helping Mommy roll out the pizzas
Ellen and Liza loved Juliette's bows and each wore one almost all weekend
This is one EXHAUSTED Princess by the end of the weekend with the "Big Girls"

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