Friday, February 3, 2012

Big girls get to go to Mommy's Doctor appointment

Juliette and I had quite a special day today. I took her to my OB appointment today. Juliette was able to hear baby Tripp's heartbeat and "hold my hand when I was scared". She was fascinated especially getting to see a "real girl Doctor". Of course Juliette was very curious as to how baby Tripp comes out of Mommy. I left that up to her imagination. She did not require an answer to the question so we left it alone.

Tonight after meeting our friend Maggie Ruth and her Mommy for ice cream, we got home and Juliette was pulling out a tape measure. All of a sudden she is measuring my belly and tells me, "Mommy you are 27." Sure enough she watched the Doctor measure me today and that is exactly where she got the idea to do it as well.

She is sure funny!

Sitting at the Doctor's office with Mommy like such a big girl

Ice cream with great friend Maggie

"Mommy you are 27..."

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