Sunday, July 17, 2016

The secret life of twins... at 18 months old

At 18 months, these little guys are amazing to watch develop!

They like to chat with each other in their own language. They each still say a few words. They like to tell you what the noise of something makes like a car or a dog. They still prefer to fuss when they want something which we are actively trying to change. 

They love to hug each other. Well, usually the one hugging considers it to be hugging but the recipient usually feels differently. 

Tyler is still the adventurous one! He is busy, independent and loves to do things on his own. He seems to only like now a days things that he knows he should not touch but wants to. He looks at you with a grin, a laugh and then runs away! He is STILL a climber! He loves to jump on the back of the couch and roll down the back of it... Not good Tyler but of course he learns from the best... big sister and big brother.

Tyler and Thomas have both gotten familiar with the time out chair.... as you can see Tyler is no fan...

Thomas is still the higher maintenance baby. He does not stroll far typically and would rather be in your arms. He is much quicker to fuss and much more demanding. That we are working on I assure you.

They add such joy to our family!

We love you sweet boys! 
18 months and you are ready to take on the world together!

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