Saturday, May 7, 2016

My First Holy Communion

We celebrated the most beautiful day today! Juliette made her First Holy Communion. We have the most wonderful parish and Father does an amazing job preparing the children for this most Holy occasion. 

Juliette woke up that morning a little nervous but over came that knowing what a very special day it was as Jesus entered her heart today. She was so excited to put on her special "Tessa Designed Dress" as she called it. She looked so beautiful inside and out.

Juliette, Father West and Tripp


Her little brother was just as excited for her. He was sure it was his day as well to make his First Communion.


Juliette and her Grandfathers


40 children made their First Communion in the parish.


Juliette and her classmates from school.


Juliette with the designer her Tessa! Tessa was a Eucharistic Minister for the ceremony and was able to offer Juliette the cup of wine on such a special day.


We were so happy that Uncle Jack and Ms. Pam joined us from Michigan for the special celebration!







The day was PERFECT! The weather was AMAZING - breezy 70 degrees and no humidity and most importantly this little girl when asked how she felt after receiving Communion replied, "Amazing!"

Thank you Lord for the gift of faith!

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