Thursday, March 24, 2016

Looking for the Easter bunny at school

Tripp was so excited to get to school this morning for his special Easter production and egg hunt! We were greeted at the stage with some beautiful artwork representing Easter that the children had made. 

The children were so excited to process in for the production!

They sang songs... this time unlike the Christmas show Tripp actually participated and danced and sang. He did not try to hide his face behind his hands. 

He was just about ready for the Easter egg hunt. As like last year, he is not nearly as concerned with quantity as he is with checking out what is in the one egg that he finds. The hunt was about over and Tripp had two eggs. He was perfectly happy. All of his were waiting for him as each child picked 10 eggs. 

After the hunt look who arrived??!

Tripp was eager to go and see him again this year. He was ready to jump right into his arms. 

Yes and the bunny requested a picture with Mommy and Tessa as well. 

What a special day for all of the children!

I love Spring and I love the Easter season with all the signs of new life around!

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