Tuesday, December 8, 2015

Just say "No No It AINT SO..."

Could these sweet boys really be ONE today??

This morning part of me woke a little sad that they are one today but the other part of me raised up my hands and shouted, "I survived!"

Thomas Stovall
 Baby Thomas has 8 teeth. He has four on the top and four on the bottom. At his checkup today his head measured 19 inches. He is 20 inches long and weighs 23 pounds. This guy LOVES to eat! He loves all fruit, yogurt, broccoli, puffs and anything else you are willing to give him. He is a squawker... instead of talking he likes to squawk. It really is hilarious! He does not like to go to sleep and will fuss anytime you put him down in the crib. The fuss is short lived and he is out like a light within a minute or two. He is amazing sleeper at night. He goes to bed around 7:00 and wakes up around 6:30 the next morning.
Juliette loves to call him her twin. The two really resemble each other. I like to tell her that Thomas is the boy version of my only little girl Juliette.

Tyler Stovall

 Baby Tyler has 7 teeth. He has four on the top and three on the bottom. At his checkup today his head measured 19 inches. He is 20 inches long and weighs 21 pounds - two pounds lighter than his brother. This guy LOVES to socialize! He smiles and laughs all day. He is not as into food as his brother. Instead he would rather explore the whole house. He is not walking yet but pulling up and trying to walk holding onto the couch and chairs.
Tripp LOVES this baby! He loves to pinch his cheeks, attempt to wrestle him and I like to think he is just making him bay tough at a very young age. He walks by Thomas to get to Tyler. We are working on this and he will now let you know that he loves Thomas too. Tyler is also an amazing sleeper at night. He goes down as well around 7:00 and wakes up around 6:30 the next morning.

Both boys loved their first few sips of whole milk! I think they were thrilled with the new taste!

It was business as usual for the babies! They were excited just to play with the wrapping paper and slowly rip it down! Their big brother was sure to jump in and "help."

These little guys play hard and then sleep hard!

Tyler loves the rocking chair in Tripp's bedroom. It is his Great Grandpa Bud's chair when he was a baby.

They LOVED their birthday cake! Thomas LOVED LOVED it! Tyler was more interested in giving me some bites of it!

They weren't quite down with the Doctor yesterday but managed to have a very good appointment!

What a difference a year can make!

Happiest of birthdays to my precious TWINkies! You bring MORE love and light to our already bright world!

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