Friday, January 16, 2015

Waiting for the tooth fairy or the nurse or Santa….

Before bed last night we read Silverlicious which is about a little girl loosing a tooth. We also have a Nurse for night help who arrives at 10:00. Juliette thinks that is the coolest that someone is upstairs down the hall at night. She often tries to stay awake for her to arrive but is never successful. 

When I went upstairs last night around 10:00 someone decided to make sure that she did not miss the tooth fairy even though she had no tooth for her and has not recently even lost a tooth. She told me she thought reading the book may lead "Toothetina" to her house. But then too she wanted to make sure she saw the nurse and this would definitely wake her up…. Could Santa be coming tonight as well?

Guess…. did she wake up for any of this? Not a chance… her Daddy had to lift her back in her little bed for further sweet dreams!

Looks like "Little Pink Dog" had the royal treatment as she had the pillow and the blankets 

And this little guy… after receiving his new sleeping bag from Santa, he won't sleep without being in it in his crib!

Whatever gives these little people a good night's sleep this Mama is good with!

Sweet dreams and happy Friday!

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