Monday, November 10, 2014

Someone lost her front tooth!

Once again the tooth fairy will be busy! Juliette was at art lessons today and bit into a pretzel and out came her tooth. Juliette told her teacher Ms Johanna, "Oh no… my Mommy is going to be sad…" Juliette was so excited about the tooth fairy. She requested a special note to be left for her. Juliette wanted to know her name. 

That morning when she woke up she received a special note from "Tooth Fairy Dienta" (Dienta is Spanish for teeth and Ms. Adi uses the word all the time). Juliette just beamed when she saw the note from her! The tooth Fair assured her that she loved her new smile!

Juliette received a dollar bill, one quarter, one dime, one nickel, one penny and a chocolate carrot (which in tradition the Eatser bunny had given to her and we managed to hide for the next occasion.) Juliette received an orange chocolate carrot this time and last time the Tooth Fairy brought her a purple chocolate carrot. Juliette's response, "Mommy, the Tooth Fairy must have a rabbit that she keeps so many carrots!"

So here is her new precious smile! Toothy or toothless we think you're precious!

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