Tuesday, September 11, 2012

What we are doing in school...

Juliette continues to love school. Mrs. Kraft told me today that Juliette much prefers drawing circles to squares which they were studying today. That is very typical for a more feminine girl she was telling me. They prefer to draw their name fancy with squiggles. Also in general this preference is a sign of a very happy and content child. All sounded great and a Mother is always happy to hear that. Here was some of her work from last week.

A picture of "the special one and only me"...

My family (picture includes Mommy, Daddy, Tripp, Juliette, and Gracie - sorry Gypsy no mention of you)

Tripp is getting stronger and stronger on his belly... it is only a short time until he is starting to crawl around - trust me I am in no hurry for that though.

1 comment:

The Tylers said...

Awww! I sure do miss seeing those little sweeties! Thank goodness for blogs for right now. Keep up the great work at school, Juliette!