Thursday, August 30, 2012

And she's off to the races...

I took a deep breath as I approached the carpool line this morning for the official first drop off. You could not believe the excitement Juliette was feeling as we were approaching the school. She even tried to open the door yet while we were stopped waiting on the road. The door opened and out she flew but not without a "first a great big hug, then a kiss" from my Princess. I looked in the rear view mirror and I watched her head right into the building and that is probably what I should not have done. Doing that brought a few tears out - bittersweet tears of happiness  as Juliette approaches a new chapter of her first even slightest bit of independence.

I picked her up at noon and she looked EXHAUSTED! Playing and learning will wear you out. Her teacher said she had a wonderful day and was so happy to be with all of her little friends!

I know that she is going to have a wonderful year. It is fun to watch her grow each day with new things that she says and does. She is such a happy little girl and it makes me so happy to know that.

One excited little girl ready to hop out!

Head hanging out the window with excitement... "Mommy is it time yet??"

Being walked to the car on the way home. A successful day!

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