Friday, June 22, 2012

4 months old today

Tripp is four months old today! He continues to grow and grow and grow. He has 4 month check up next week so I don't have his measurements yet. He is smiling all the time now and even trying to begin to laugh. That is always such a funny noise but soon he will bolt out a little laugh.

He is still sleeping through the night beautifully and remains in his cradle in our bedroom. I have been in no rush to bring him upstairs. Since he sleeps 12 hours at night, he has not wanted to sleep much at all during the day. We laugh that we swear he thinks he'll miss out on something if he falls asleep.

Since it is summer time we have been staying cool by swimming in the pool all the time. Evenings have been so pleasant and the true heat had not really hit yet until about three days ago. Now we are heading well into the 90's. Evenings spent swimming make for an exhausted little girl and lots of fun times!

Bath time for "Tippy Toe"

Juliette and her favorite doggy Gracie

Check out the beautiful tomatoes from Doh's garden! Juliette and Doh picked them to bring to her friends at Vacation Bible School

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