Saturday, January 14, 2012

A day at the aquarium and then my very FIRST pedicure

Juliette and I had such a fun day today. We met our friends Lily May and Aldret at the aquarium this morning and then Juliette got to get her very first pedicure with Mommy today. It was actually getting her toes painted and then the nice lady even put sprinkles on top of them (Glitter actually but Juliette thought they were sprinkles). You would not have believed how perfect she was the whole time and just ate up being there with me and watching me get a manicure too.

A visit to the aquarium with Lily May and Aldret Crosby
Eagerly waiting to enter the nail shop
"Wow Mommy - I am really a big girl now... but I will still always be your baby!"  such a sweet girl!
So proud of her new toes with polish and sprinkles...

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