Friday, August 6, 2010

Look who got a new tricycle for her 2nd birthday!

My sweet girl is two years old today. I cannot believe it! She woke up this morning and I could hear her singing to herself in the crib "happy bir-day to JuJu." It was the cutest thing to listen to. She is so amazingly animated now. She loves to say "JuJu happy!" and just about anything else. It amazes us how much she understands. She cannot express everything that she is trying to say, but she can understand everything.

We have had such a fun summer with friends. I love the fact that she loves to get together with her little friends. It only takes her a minute or two to warm up to all of them. We have gone to water parks, had play dates in the yard, and just played pretty much all summer. That is what I love about the summer.

Juliette starts school in three weeks. Now this I cannot believe! She is going to 2k at our church two mornings a week. I know that she is so ready for all of the interaction with the little ones.

Juliette is also starting to set the dogs up to get them in trouble when I am watching the scene and it is obvious they have done nothing. She told me that "Gracie bite me" which apparently is being confused with Gracie is licking me. She fell over Gypsy yesterday and told me "Gypsy hurt self" (meaning Gypsy hurt Juliette).

Sweet baby girl is getting bigger by the day! She told me yesterday that she is "big girl... no baby". Also at dinner last week with a good friend visiting her new baby, I began to hold the baby. JuJu looked at me and said "Mommy, no hold da baby..." She wanted me all to herself. I finally had to give the baby back because she was getting upset over it.

Happy birthday sweet baby girl!

1 comment:

Girls rule said...

Wow, cannot believe you are already 2!!! Looks like you had a fun special day. Love from your MN family!